Introducing Remora

an innovative approach to single-use plastic reduction

Remora aims to reduce single-use plastics on an individual level to prevent trash from entering waterways & ecosystems. Join the Remora community and start tracking your single-use plastic consumption, engage with each other, and track your long-term progress towards refusing plastics in your daily life. Download the app, invite your friends, compare your stats, build your streaks, win badges, make a change. Be a part of a global solution.

The Reduce Single-Use Project has launched Remora with funds from a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Trash Free Waters Program. This new smartphone application has two main objectives. First and foremost, we are hoping that app users will be encouraged to refuse single-use plastics in their everyday lives. Additionally, the collective data from the app can be used to inform and promote policies towards sustainability in the future. 

Outreach and education are critical to the success of the app. We plan to present at numerous events and schools throughout the coming years to share the app and encourage people to make changes in their plastic consumption. Additionally, we will be expanding our already existing network of pro-environmental organizations and users. The app is designed to be social- the more people using the app, the more people will share their habits in reducing single-use plastics. 

Here is a list of our existing partners:

If you would like to stay up-to-date with the progress of the app, visit and follow our Instagram @eckerdreducesingleuse and We look forward to seeing you help create a less plastic-filled future with Remora!