Introducing Remora

an innovative approach to single-use plastic reduction

With the help of a grant funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Trash Free Waters Program, in April of 2023, the Reduce Single-Use Team launched our biggest project yet: a mobile app called Remora. This new app allows users to self-track their uses and refusals of common single-use plastic items. Through leaderboards and challenges, Remora encourages individuals to be more conscious of their plastic use and seek alternatives, but it also helps us combat plastic pollution on a much bigger level, as we can use the plastic-use data gained from the app to inform and promote change in policy, business, and society. 

You can join the Remora community and start tracking your single-use plastic consumption today! Use the app to engage with other plastic-minded people, and track your long-term progress towards refusing plastics in your daily life. Download the app, invite your friends, compare your stats, build your streaks, win badges, and make a change. Be a part of a global solution on Remora!

Log your uses and refusals

Track your progress

Invite friends and scroll through your feed

Compete on the leaderboard

Earn badges for streaks, sharing, refusals, and more

Contribute to a global dataset and become a citizen scientist

Outreach and education are critical to the success of the app. Find our team around St. Pete tabling at community cleanups, local storefronts, festivals, and other events! These are all great places for us to talk to people about the app and plastic consumption, so don't be afraid to stop by our table, say hi, and have a great conversation about the roles plastic plays in our lives. 

We have a great community of pro-environmental organizations and people right here in Pinellas county that have been instrumental in helping us spread the word about Remora!

Here is a list of our existing partners:

If you would like to stay up-to-date with the progress of the app or find out where we'll be tabling next, visit and follow us on Instagram @eckerdreducesingleuse and We look forward to seeing you help create a plastic-free future with Remora!